Ivery schreibt Alternative Pop Songs mit zarter Stimme, einer Prise 70er Jahre-Sounds und geschmackvollen Beats.
Für die Acoustic Session im Loop wird das Programm erstmals mit Akustikgitarren, Kontrabass und minimalistischem Drumeinsatz zu hören sein.
Für die Acoustic Session im Loop wird das Programm erstmals mit Akustikgitarren, Kontrabass und minimalistischem Drumeinsatz zu hören sein.
Wir freuen uns darauf,
Ivery mit Michael Schatzmann, Simon Blankenbichler, Georg Buxhofer & Felix Reischl
Ivery mit Michael Schatzmann, Simon Blankenbichler, Georg Buxhofer & Felix Reischl

... are the balance between the elegant heritage of Syrian songs and contemporary expressionism. With the words of Sufi poems, Basma lights the stage with the warmth of her voice surrounded by the deep and unique style of Orwa’s Oud.
This charismatic duo brought old Arabic melodies back to nowadays life and unified Arab generations all around the world, with their ex- traordinary redefinition of their heritage. The two Syrians never met in Damascus, but here in Vienna, they started working on many projects together, until they reached this Duo that explores with their music, using fewer elements and focusing on the possibilities, that one oud and one voice could reach.
One Oud-player who takes it to the limit and further, this is Orwa’s progressive approach.
One voice that breaks hardness with tenderness, this is Basma’s emotional expression.
The Oud is being plucked, hit, stroked and it emphasizes Basma’s powerful voice where Orient meets Occident. A duo with goose-pim- ply-effect, that takes you to a journey to old cities and rewrite their stories.

Basma & orwa (C) Georg CIzek-Graf